Our 5-step Talent Pairing Platform

The 5-step Talent Pairing Platform shows enables you to engage with 98% of the top talent, not just the 18% of the market who are actively looking at any given time. It’s highly unlikely that any Rockstar hire is searching the job boards or replying to copy/paste job descriptions that recruiter’s email-blast to their lists. Our process takes a different approach.

Step 1. Understanding the Job Requirement

We use a proven checklist and discovery process to get to the essence of what the client is looking for. What is the business driver that resulted in this position being created? What would the candidate accomplish if he or she had an amazing first year?   Our search and vetting process is so thorough that it often helps our clients better define what they want in a candidate.

Step 2. Developing the Employee Value Proposition

We craft a compelling story about the client, their team, their company, and their opening that will attract Rockstars.

Step 3. Creating a Comprehensive Talent Map

With our patented Area Talent Mapping system, we identify EVERY possible, potential candidate that matches your job requirement within a commutable distance or nationwide if the position is remote. Then, a Headhunter in your Niche shortlists 60-80 candidates from this list.

Step 4. Conducting an extensive Multi-Channel Outreach Campaign

Our Headhunters will personally contact each one of these 60-80 candidates, up to 10 times, but no fewer than 7, until we reach them using phone, text, and email. If we reach out to a candidate 7 to 10 times, and they have not responded, it’s safe to say they are happy where they are.  We typically have conversations with about 75% of the candidates in the target list, and from there, 20 to 40 candidates will be assessed. 

Step 5. Bullet-Proof Assessments

We work with you to design a Bullet-Proof Interview process as well as ‘test-drives’ (working interviews) that are unique to your environment and designed to minimize any hiring risks.
Furthermore, we ensure that the finalists are excited to join you and are completely vetted through back-channel reference checks and social media reviews.

Let’s start rocking a solution for you

It all starts with your job requirement. We want to hear from you and understand the job and its importance to you and your company. We’ll find your Rockstars quickly using our proprietary patented software tools. No one else does it our way. We reach for the Stars.